Celebrating Hispanic Cultural Awareness, Black History and Women’s History. Our shows feature multicultural themes based on the accomplishments of real historical figures drawn from the African American and Latino/Latina experience as well as the unique perspective of Women.
These programs can be individually adjusted based on the age of the audience, so that they are suitable for grades K-12.
We also tailor our performances to diverse venues and budgets!
Please CONTACT US for more information about these programs.
Other Programs Available:
Ain’t I a Woman – A 50 minute program with verbal introductions to vignettes from the lives of Sojourner Truth, Zora Neale Hurston, Clementine Hunter and Fanny Lou Hamer. A question and answer period with the performers will conclude the program.
Curriculum Materials/Teacher Guide (PDF) | Video Trailer
Of Ebony Embers – A 50 minute program with verbal introductions to vignettes from the lives of painter Aaron Douglas and the poets Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen and Claude McKay. A question and answer period with the performers will conclude the program.
Curriculum Materials/Teacher Guide (PDF) | Video Trailer
Los Valientes – A 50 minute program with verbal introductions to vignettes from the lives of Diego Rivera, Archbishop Oscar Romero and Joaquin Murietta aka: Zorro. A question and answer period with the performers will conclude the program.
Curriculum Materials/Teacher Guide (PDF) | Video Trailer
Tres Vidas – A 50 minute program with verbal introductions to vignettes from the lives of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, Salvadoran peasant activist Rufina Amaya and Argentinean painter Alfonsina Storni. A question and answer period with the performers will conclude the program.
Curriculum Materials/Teacher Guide (PDF) | Video Trailer
In addition to our performances, we offer individual masterclasses for student actors and musicians.
School Visit Options:
1/2 Day: Up to two programs chosen from performance, student masterclasses.
Full Day: Up to four programs chosen from performance, student masterclasses.
Multiple Day Residencies can be on consecutive days or involve visits at different times of the school year and with different shows.